Saturday, December 17, 2011

Napolitano Holocaust - Addressed to U.S. Consule in Naples

Napolitano Holocaust

The emergencies that beset Naples have taken, over time, dramatic proportions. Those have been possible thanks to the connivance between the Camorra and the Italian State; a symbiosis, who was born at the dawn of the so-called unification of Italy, 1861. What is now known as the "liberation" of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies from the yoke of Bourbon was, in fact, a fierce war against the annexation of a free and sovereign state, for mere economic interests and international politics.

From that moment the nation Naples, the Neapolitans, stop to have a state that so interests, for a period which now amounts to 150 years.

It was also the moment where the Italian mafias institutionalized.
To date, the Neapolitan population is hostage to this plot the death between the Camorra and local institutions, and the central government, instead of fighting crime, institutionalized (look at the case of Nicola Cosentino) and enacts laws totally ineffective. The consequences of this cruel colonization, are under the eyes of all: in 150 years, Naples has gone from being a great world capital, to become a famous place only for mafia and garbage. It is no coincidence that the two "words" appear together in the same sentence. Behind the garbage in Naples and its degradation is politics. Behind the Camorra's policy. How to determine the Judiciary. On 25/11/2010 was issued by the GIP of Naples, the arrest warrant for Nicola Cosentino, a deputy of the People of Freedom, for collusion with the mob sindacate Camorra. Here are the statements of the anti-Mafia magistrate Raffaele Cantone:

"Without doubt the most interesting part of that decision concerns the role that Cosentino has been in the business waste; his intervention in the activities of the consortium CE4, so that, according to the repentant Vassallo, Cosentino said he would even" The consortium Caserta 4 me ". Based on what emerges from the order, Cosentino would also have a role in identifying the place to raise the incinerator in the province of Caserta. In that decision is then rebuilt another very important story: the creation of a super-consortium, called Impregeco, which would put together consortia of right and left, for a bipartisan emergency management, which had evidently ample blessings. The rubbish is politically colored and manage it as best you create a structure "rainbow" that please everyone.. "# More specifically, it motivation," contributed decisively to the planning and implementation of the project to create a cycle in the region Campania integrated and competitive alternative to the waste managed by the system legitimately Fibe - Fisia Italimpianti, so boycotting companies foster, in order to dominate the entire management of its business cycle and still create, directly controlling the landfills, waste disposal site at last and active in planning the construction and operation of an incinerator, exploiting an illegal managerial autonomy at the provincial level of government activities of the police station for the purpose waste emergency need. "Cosentino # - this is the belief of the judges of the DDA also shared by the magistrate Raffaele Piccirillo, who had signed the protective order, and subsequently by the Supreme Court and Review - have encouraged "the perpetuation of the dynamics of economic criminal, affecting inspection activities of the Committee access to the dissolution of the City of Mondragone for mafia infiltration and procedures for issuing certifications direct prefectural mafia, as in the cases related to the spa and related resolutions Ecoquattro final, decisive for sealing ducts and development of the program. "

Also according to the judiciary, most of the waste illegally dumped in landfills Neapolitan, came from companies in the north, in particular Lombardy, Veneto, Piedmont and Liguria. The Judiciary has acquired a sufficient number of "cards" to ensure that diesel fuel, chemical and hospital waste, and all sorts of special waste was spilled illegally for 20 years, under the nose of the Neapolitans, and almost all companies from the center and northern Italy, who paid and recorded those travels regularly to dispose of their waste in the economy. From this traffic we earned all: politicians, companies, banks, the Camorra. All but the unsuspecting citizens. But the documents speak for themselves on the map Contrada Pisani poisons from every corner of Italy, except from Naples itself. Below is an excerpt from a 2008 article by the journalist Conchita Sannino, because no one could explain the situation:

"According to early documents collected by prosecutors, in fact, in the western suburbs of forty dump Naples is not only the mountains of bags came from all over Italy, not only hazardous waste spilled, as authorities speculate parliamentary proceedings, in a subterranean and invisible - and then the second path is no longer verifiable. As of yesterday, instead sticking liability declined by name and geographical origin in the hunt for perpetrators of an alleged negligent disaster caused by the enormous quantity and quality of waste "inadequate" buried in the belly of the Plain. Just take a look at five pages of "official trips", and lawful, drawn from the archives of the Province of Naples in Piazza Matteotti and transmitted by the prosecutors who had made the request, the section coordinated by the deputy prosecutor Rosario Cantelmo, owner of the file, the prosecutor Stephanie Buda.

To scroll through the cards - although incomplete - held in the Province of Serbia, is that hundreds of thousands of tons of medical waste, special mud, asbestos dust, paint residues, expired or spoiled food are finished Contrada Pisani. An activity that would have been duly authorized by the provincial authorities in Naples, even if in violation of the rules protecting the environment in force since 1982. On this the prosecutor is investigating Buda, who recently ordered the seizure of the landfill, and yesterday received the data on the spill. Data for hours for the period 1987 to 1994. The magistrate, who initiated the investigation in cases of illness and deaths have occurred due to pollution of the area, assumed the offenses negligent environmental disaster and epidemics, and is also checking any administrative responsibilities. It should be made, however, a premise: all special or hazardous waste stored, treated, if the second rule, should be considered harmless. The possible lack of adequate reclamation of waste derived their charge so-called "toxic".

The list shows the companies and place of origin: Brindisi, various municipalities of Turin (Chivasso Robassomero, Orbassano), and Opera San Giuliano Milanese (Milan), Cuzzago of Premosello (Milan), Riva Parabbiago (Milan), plateau (Bologna), Parona (Pavia), Mendicino (Cosenza), St. Gregory (Reggio Calabria), and Rome.

Some data among others. In particular, in 1990, arriving 16 tons of waste from the acrylic adhesive of Sicaf Cuzzango of Premosello (Novara); same period, 21 tons of sludge purification plant Ferolmet of San Giuliano Milanese (Milan). Also riding in the late eighties and early nineties, Po is the paradise of special waste: 22 tons of paint sludge, resins and sludge coming from the province of Padua, 25 tons of special waste cosmetic expired Magic Touch of Rome ; another 50 tons of paint sludge from Sicaf of Premosello (Novara). And again, you end up buried 79 tons of industrial waste from Ferrara Robassomero Storage Centre (Turin), 113 tons of asbestos dust briquettes storage Ferrara Robassomero Centre (Turin), 552 tons of paint sludge Ferolmet St. Giuliano Milanese (Milan). And, finally, 1,106 tons of slag and ash from aluminum foundries Riva Parabbiago (Milan). The prosecutor is conducting a monitoring Buda at several public offices (local health authorities, hospitals, Inail, etc.) to verify the relationship between the occurrence of cancers and other diseases, and the situation of pollution. In the coming days, the judge will appoint consultants to various scientific investigations. It is possible that we draw samples of fabric from families of citizens of the tests for comparison with plain people in the area affected by incurable diseases. "

The Italian government does something about this? Promote the Camorra in the Northern League and allows MPs to decide the fate of the Neapolitans. An emergency waste, the Northern League # blocks the decree that would allow waste to be cleaned up in Naples in a few days, moving the garbage in other regions. It is also # news these days that the company has taken from Milan to Naples 50 million euros in taxes on waste (TARSU).

The Neapolitans, is more than obvious, is an internal colony to the Italian state. Therefore, the Front for the Liberation of the Neapolitans, # which aims to make itself independent of the Neapolitans by the Italian State, asking for a massive intervention in American organs Neapolitan territory. Italy has an interest in destroying one of the richest and most beautiful in the world. Nobody listens to us, even the EU. Only the United States, which have bases in Naples and a consulate, and a historical link with the Neapolitans, for the great influx of Neapolitan that the United States have accepted and which are now an integral part of reality 'U.S., we may be interested in .
Always Italian regimes that have occurred in these 150 years are the negatives of the fundamental rights of the people of Naples, so we ask that the right to 'self-determination is recognized Neapolitan people.

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