Monday, October 31, 2011

It is time to surpass the political doctrine of neo-liberalism, the capitalism has shown it's unsustainability, it's time to implement a real democracy, and extend it to the economic sphere also.
We have not any recipe to apply, but just directions to follow:
1) repudiation of the cultural homogenisation, we have to go back to our roots, consume local products, revalue our culture and our diversity
2) exit all the international schema, NATO, WTO, IMF, EU, etc., we need that people cooperate with eachother directly, through cultural and socio-economic exchanges and unconditional mutual aid.
3) Support the struggle of the people for freedom

Friday, October 14, 2011

New book about Napolitania is out now!

New book about Napolitania is out now! And has the title "NAPOLITANIA", this book is written by Antonio Pagano, born in Naples, graduated in Law and former Army Officer for the paratroopers division "Folgore". Pagano is not a professional historian, but a very deep passionated lover of the South Italian history. Pagano was among the founders of the magazine "Due Sicilie", and for long time director of this magazine.
This book describes detailedly from the origin to nowadays the chains of historically events that have formed the Napolitania.
This book an attempt to fill the void that the Italian historiography systematically demonstrates ignoring or mystifying Naples' long and glorious history, making of "Risorgimento" a state religion.
The Italian historiography has been used like an indoctrination apparatus to spread false myths about the heroes of the unification of Italy and create historical mythological path that confirms the "italianitá".

First National Congress of the Neapolitan Independentists

For first time since 1861, Neapolitan independentists gather in Civitella del Tronto to plan an work agenda for the liberation of the Neapolitan provinces.

The fortress in Civitella del Tronto is one of the most impressive work of military engineering, not only in Abruzzo, but also in Europe. With a length of more than 500 metres and in area of 25000 square metres, it was a bulwark on the northern border of the Neapolitan State for many centuries.
The Aragonese stronghold most probably stood on a pre-existing medieval structure but was completely transformed between 1564 and 1576 by order of Philip II of the Habsurg family.
Thanks to later changes made during the Bourbon dynasty, the fortress put up a gallant resistance against the siege of Sardinia-Piedmontese army in 1860-1861. After the last assault it was demolished and subsequently plundered by the invaders.