Translated from what ABCNews Europe has reported:
April 28: First Independence Movements Meeting in Naples, Terminus hotel
ABCNEWS, continuing its investigation of true south Italians independence promoters or fakes, after having exposed in detail many of the fakes, we are pleased to consider that we have found authentic independence promoters for the South Italy.
They show a precise concept: that is absolutely essential that South Italy will resume its independence, and act promptly and effectively to reach theirs goal.
In this regard, as first step has been created a Southern Italian Secessionist Party (PSIM), initiative of Stefano Surace, the journalist also internationally famous for his investigations that have produced reforms not only in Italy, and the protagonist of events highly meritorious in the Public Interest who've made this several times around the world on the wings of the media. In addition to martial arts master (Ju-Jitsu) world-famous.
This party has clearly stated in the statute that its purpose is "to promote the secession of Southern Italy by the current Italian state, as the only real way to end the intolerable condition in which the land is now, always a source of culture and civilizations "
And this party is just created and has received acclaim from many different living environments, having apparently taken a deep need of Southerners, expressing officially and clearly.
Then there was the famous TV interview of Pietro Golia to Surace, who repeatedly put on the air has aroused considerable enthusiasm.
Peter Golia and Stefano Surace during TV interview
Shortly after there were the actions of the massive movement of Forconi in Sicily, where among other things, the population has publicly burned the so-called tricolore(Italy's national flag), symbol of the state and its serious crimes against the Southerners.
Recover the independence of South Italy
And now it was organized a meeting of all the southern independentists - ie all those who are determined to help restore independence to the territory of the State of the Two Sicilies - for Saturday, April 28 in Naples (the hotel Terminus, two walk from Central Station, beginning at 15).
Theme of the meeting very real: how to realize the necessary and legitimate independence.
It should be noted here that Italy has ratified an international convention, signed at the UN on 16.12.1966.
Which art. 1 establishes "That all peoples have the right to self determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural."
And that "States Parties to the present Covenant shall promote the realization of the right of self-determination and shall respect that right, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations."
Convention which was ratified by Italy with Law. 881 of 10.25.1977 (published in the Official Gazette, ordinary supplement of 7 December 1977, no. 333) and takes precedence over Italian law, as confirmed by the Court of Cassation decision, 21.3.1975.
Among the promoters of the meeting Antonio Iannaccone, Drusiana Vetrano, Ciro Borrelli, Giovanni Cervero and other leaders of an organization that has affectionately named Liberation Front of Napolitania (FLN).
In particular, Ciro Borrelli, coordinator of the FLN Campania Committee, is the promoter the meeting.
Giovanni Cervero invited Stefano Surace, who, appreciating this deep similarity of views and wishes, agreed to participate primarily as a journalist and opinion surveys deeply engaged in the battle for the South.
(Fronte di Liberazione della Napolitania - FLN)
Numerous participants in the meeting. We just mention a few:
Nunzio Di Sano, Gennaro Cangano, Dorino Stoduto Savior, Enzo Demma, Eumelus Phoenician, Sano Di Nunzio, Marcia Vetrano, Marcos Dario Giotti, Carmine Nigro, Leonardo Panetta, Anna Maria Look, Nicola Summa Group Siciliota Provincial Messina, Francesco Di Munno, Charles widow, Francis Neptune, Fabrizio Toro, Antonio Carrella, Francis Good, Stephen Sicurani, Peppe Orefice, Pasquale, Mariano Iannaccone, Mimmo Cassata, Antonio Circelli, Lawrence Small, Luke maker, Andrea Luna LUNARDON, Cortazzo Mario, Luigi Carrino, Gennaro Illiano Valeria Girimonte, Borrelli Ciro, Antonio Panico, Gimmi Goliuso, Fresi Giuliano, Antonio Sarnelli, Anthony Pagano, Vincent Tateo, Julian Fresi, Graziella Alfano, Antonio Panico, Christian nerve, Bruno Colimoro, Mary warren, Dino jumped Brasiello, Demetrius Spanti, Marina De Luca, Carlo Lubrano, Alessandro Paone, Rocco Guarino, Leopold Muti, Luca Di Bartolo, Martu Pagliuso, Marcia Vetrano, Francis Cringoli, Aldo Caruso, Martin Napoletano, Diego Beer, Pasquale Mink, Michelina La Padula, John Rosario Salvatore Amarone Francesco Carratù ', Vittorio Ranzo Henry D'Auria et Epomeo Joseph, Conrad Colaci, Vincenzo Gulì, Benjamin Lombardi, Gennaro Cangiano, Sandro Migotto - And many others.
Good luck, authentic southerner independentists, the people of South Italy is counting on you. And the whole Europe - which now ABCNEWS and others have opened the eyes for some impudent manipulations so far systematically perpetrated against the South - looks sympathetically at your ransom against the despicable crime against humanity that has been and continues to be the so-called "Unification of Italy."
Business to follow ...