Monday, June 6, 2011

Fronte di liberazione della Napolitania (FLN)

The «Fronte di liberazione della Napolitania» (Front for the liberation of the Napolitania - FLN in short) was born to defend the freedom and the dignity of the Neapolitan people from the unstoppable colonial dominion of the italian partyist system.

Such a system keeps the Napolitania in a degrading economical, social and political state, which in turn falls into a true «Neapolitan Question», while the misdeeds of such a scabrous situation are told to be entirely on Neapolitans' shoulders. The Neapolitan people certainly cannot and must not deny their own faults,but they must have the opportunity to be proud of their history. For
eight centuries the southern part of the italian peninsula was unified under a sovereign national state known as Kingdom of Naples, a single civilisation which, across the centuries, expressed itself as an independent nation. A nation whose state has got increasingly worse since its annexation to the savoyard Kingdom of Sardinia: an operation that has been defined «Risorgimento» (literally, "Rebirth") and today is still passed off as «Unification of Italy».

Nevertheless, FLN is sure that the Neapolitan people is aware they can develop their own civil society and meritocratic political class outside of the italian state. In fact, the current political class is guilty of political compromises, and is also hostage of clientelism and corruption, as well as their own personal unsuitability. FLN is also aware that the Napolitania can and must be a nation within a future Europe of the Peoples.

For these reasons, FLN intend to claim the redemption of the Neapolitan Nation and bring the matter to the attention of the internationals bodies.

Long live the independent Napolitania!

In order to reconquest our pride, our honour, and our dignity as people and nation; for the safeguard of our history and culture; for an economical, social, and political future: We, Neapolitans, are well aware that we require:

1. A Neapolitan Nation with its own independent administration (Neapolitan state); No federalism or federation is possible within this Italy;

2. The application of the popular sovereignty via a true democracy;

3. The rebirth of the neapolitan identity;

4. To no longer be the south of Italy, but the centre of the Mediterranean;

5. Respect and education in the schools, for the local autonomies;

6. Our own mass-media for the Neapolitan nation;

7. Our own economical programme, in line with Europe's;

8. Toursim development and facilitation for the small and medium businesses;

9. To put an end to mass-migration;

10. Commercial development towards Europe and the Mediterrean countries;

11. To build true road and rail infrastructures;

12. A programme for developing alternative sources of energy (we say no to nuclear power);

13. To remove the admninistrive regions and constitute administritavi provinces (can be autonomous, if required);

14. Social shock absorbers for the poor and need to develop social facilities;

15. A programme to relauch the Neapolitan productions;

16. To support all the Neapolitan citizens;

17. A programme for the revaluation of the artistic, cultural and archeological heritage of the entire Neapolitan nation;

18. The constitution of our own banks and insurance companies. Facilitation for businesses that will choose to invest within the Neapolitan territory;

19. A better welfare;

20. The constitution of a valid police. The enemies of the patria will be condemned life imprisonment;

21. To undoubtly fight the organised crime, with full elimination of "pizzo" (protection money) and bribery;

22. To consider enemy of the patria whoever pollutes the sea and the land of the Neapolitan nation;

23. To consider enemy of the patria whoever is found guilty of corruption (whether they are the corruptor or the corrupted);

24. To consider enemy of the patria the bosses of any criminal organisation;

A Neapolitan indipendentist comments an article at Economist

Source: Articolo:


Quite correct analysis, as well as partial. In the years I've seen many attempts by both italian and foreign press to analyse these phenomena. Italians don't do revolutions. Italians suffer and tolerate unimaginable things. Etc.

Correct? Correct.

The reason why this is correct? You never got it. Neither did anyone else in the worldwide press.

You, at The Economist as well as anywhere else, fail to analyse Italy because you don't know too many things about it. I understand: how can you, when not even italians do?

Italy is a country that hides too many secretes, too many details that nobody knows about and most people don't even want to know.

The explanation is simple: to do a revolution, to stand up, to rebel, you need one thing Italy doesn't have: a People. A single, unique, united people. Everyone, italians included, make the huge mistake to consider Italy a nation. Unfortunately, it is not. There is more than one nation in Italy, but of course almost no one knows this, also because the Italian state has repressed them all since it was created. This is due to the absolute mess they made 150 years ago.

One and a half centuries later, the different people existed back then are still divided. Even worse, the parochialism that back then was typical of the northern society only has been implanted in the southern society, which used to be completely different (the neapolitan people [what they call "southerners" today, plus the people from Abruzzo and lower Lazio] and the sicilian people were strong nations and their people were united thanks to centuries of common history).

The schock caused by the Piedmontese invasion and the cultural-economical-social colonisation operated (and still being operated) by all the italian governments with both violence and brain-washing have created huge damage in the two "southern" people.

This way they have definitely created a non-People throughout the entire country. As I use to say: italians do not exist.

And if italians do not exist, how can they really stand up to anything? On top of this, add 20 years of "stupefying berlusconian television", and you get zombies hanging around and incapable of reacting to their own reflection in a mirror.

(To those who are thinking about the "great resistance to the fascism", I suggest to undertake a huge study about it. There was indeed a "resistance" but it is somewhat different from the mythological one they use to tell us.)